I’m analyzing over 70K Substack newsletters!

In Newsletter Circle, I’ve been interviewing newsletter creators and asking deep-dive questions about how they build successful newsletter businesses from scratch. So far, I’ve interviewed over 60 successful newsletter creators, including some media giants.

But, on my way to building Newsletter Circle as a full-fledged media business for newsletter creators, these interviews are just a single part of the puzzle.

There is a need to see the big picture to have a better understanding of what’s going on in the newsletter landscape.

With this aim, I gathered over 70,000 newsletters from Substack and some key data related to them. 

I’m compiling a comprehensive report from these findings that will provide numerous key insights about the newsletter space, such as:

  • Active & Inactive newsletters

  • Publishing frequencies

  • Regular & Irregular publishing

  • Language preferences

  • Age of the newsletters

  • List sizes

  • Topic Categories

  • List sizes for paid & free subscriptions

  • Pricing details for paid newsletters

  • Preferred social media channels

  • Usage of recommendations features

This report will be a gold mine for you to: 

  • understand the space you’re part of

  • explore other creators' behaviors and strategies

  • identify opportunities in the market

Do you want to get the full report when it’s ready?

Fill out the short form below to let me so that you can get it first!