How Newsletters Transform Careers

Over 40 newsletter creators answered how they grow professionally thanks to their newsletters

Newsletter Circle is the newsletter for newsletter creators.

👉 Every Sunday, you will read the unique journey of a different newsletter creator and learn more about how to start, grow and monetize your own newsletter.

👉 Every Wednesday, you will read articles and the list of curated resources to level up your newsletter business.

Juicy Finds for Newsletter Creators

đź’ˇ The NinjaHobo Newsletter*: Get an entire week’s worth of unique content ideas in every issue.

🔎 Megahit* - Find sponsors among your subscribers and double your prices with this powerful tool.

đź“Ś Sponsy* - Make sponsorship easy. Less hustle, more time to grow your newsletter.

*Sponsored & Affiliate links. I only recommend resources/platforms that I genuinely find helpful for you.

Running a newsletter can change your life

A newsletter is more than just a newsletter.

It has a transformative impact on creators’ lives, both personally and professionally.

And I'm not the only one saying this.

I asked the same question to over 40 newsletter creators I've interviewed so far:


How did building a newsletter contribute to your life professionally and personally?

Honestly, this question is my absolute favorite – it's like unwrapping a present every week. Because their answers are always encouraging – doors opening, fears fading away, and opportunities coming their way – all thanks to their newsletters.

Their responses help us comprehend why it's worth investing time and effort to build a newsletter despite all the challenges.

In today’s piece, I dived into how running a newsletter helped them grow professionally.

Based on the insights I gathered, here are 5 areas where newsletters can elevate your professional life.

1. Career Transformation

After starting their newsletters, several creators experienced a significant shift in their professional trajectory.

From writers to authors, from solo creators to entrepreneurs, the newsletter became a catalyst for change.

It led to creating best-selling books, consulting businesses, escaping corporate life, and even landing a dream job.

“Writing Mostly Metrics helped me land my first CFO gig and dream job at a high-growth tech company.

It got me on the radar of a VC firm that was recruiting on behalf of their portfolio companies. So by putting myself out there, and writing about things I knew really well and was very passionate about, it helped get me on the radar of like-minded people. I think they read my stuff and said wow this guy (nut) talks about financial metrics in his spare time. He’s passionate about the space.”

“It led to me escaping supply chain and landing a job at Product Hunt.

It showed me that you can make money on the internet.

It’s truly been the best.”

2. Networking and Connections

This one is mentioned by almost every creator I interviewed.

A newsletter is a powerful networking tool, connecting creators with like-minded individuals globally.

Opportunities arose, professional relationships developed, networks expanded, and doors opened.

“I’ve met so many incredible people through my podcast and newsletter.

Each conversation I have with an entrepreneur opens my mind to new ideas and concepts I deploy in my own life.

It’s definitely been an accelerant to my own growth and entrepreneurial journey.”

"People, people, people.

I met so many amazing people through the newsletter that I would never have in a million years. It still blows my mind."

“I’ve met a lot of cool people so far. I’ve met some of the biggest newsletter creators on Twitter through Exploding Ideas.

Almost every day, it feels like someone interesting is DMing me to ask about my strategies and connect.

It’s helped me expand my network of high-value people.”

3. Skill Development

Building and maintaining newsletters serves creators as a continuous learning process.

Thanks to running a newsletter, they developed skills such as writing, curating content, marketing, growth strategies, and team management.

“Seeing the newsletter as a business (rather than a hobby) and trying to grow it has taught me a lot. Marketing, growth, copywriting…

I’ve learned much more in a year than I could learn in a corporate job.”

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